


Coating Equipmment

Nordson Conformal Coating System

Select Coat SL-940 series

  1.  Integrated process controls ensure high quality wet dispense performance

  2.  Automated batch or in-line processing

  3.  Modular design accommodates future production needs

  4.  ASYMTEK EasyCoat? software – allows programmers to set, measure, record, and trace process parameters

  5.  Offline and online programming

  6.  Choose from a wide range of options – to improve statistical process control, production uptime, and yield

  7.  Downdraft air management system safely removes VOCs – meeting Low Flammable Limits (LFL) standards

  8.  Designed for easy maintenance – stainless steel surfaces are easy to clean and resistant to strong agents

Nordson Automated Conformal Coat Inspection

FX-940UV Series ACI/AOI

1.  Top down and optional side viewing cameras

2.  Proprietary UV lighting

3.  100 mm clearance for tall components

4.  Traceability

5.  Optional thickness measurement